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Breast Augmentation in Manhattan

bodySCULPT® is a leading plastic surgery practice in Manhattan, NYC primarily focusing on breast surgery procedures. Skilled plastic surgeons at our practice are experienced in providing customized breast augmentation procedures that can improve the appearance of your breasts. The procedure is ideal to:

  • Improve breast contour
  • Correct breast asymmetry

You may be an ideal candidate for the procedure if you are unhappy with your breast size and shape, in good health and have realistic expectations regarding the outcome.

Breast Enhancement

  • Implants surgery - The procedure involves inserting FDA-approved implants such as saline, silicone gel, gummy bear implants, or IDEAL IMPLANT into your breasts through an incision to increase the volume. Based on your physical condition and body anatomy, the surgeon will choose the implants that best suit you.
  • Composite breast augmentation - Candidates who lack enough soft tissues to cover the implants can improve their cleavage with composite breast augmentation. Also known as lipoimplant augmentation, the procedure offers the benefits of both implants and fat transfer. Fat transfer method is designed to help women add volume to their breasts in a more natural way. During the procedure, the fat extracted via liposuction is processed to remove impurities and then injected into the breasts.

During the initial consultation, the surgeons listen to patient concerns, goals and preferences and develop effective treatment plans to meet individual goals. They also address patient queries and inform candidates of the risks and benefits of the treatment. Based on your aesthetic goals, our surgeon will recommend the technique that is most appropriate for you.

We use advanced 3D imaging technologies - Axis Three, VECTRA 3D and Oculus Rift 3D Imaging Glasses that can enhance your consultation experience and enable you to take a confident decision.

What Sets Us Apart

  • Fully AAAASF-accredited, state-of-the-art surgical facility
  • Pre-surgery planning for breast augmentation
  • Personalized care and treatment
  • Virtual consultation service

Our friendly staff will listen to your requirements, and fully address your cosmetic concerns. To schedule your consultation for breast augmentation in Manhattan, call: 1-800-282-7285 or send an e-mail to