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Cosmetic Breast Surgery

A leading plastic surgery practice in NYC, bodySCULPT® is specialized in offering cosmetic breast surgery procedures. Whether your goal is to increase your breast volume, improve proportion, or to lift your breasts for a more youthful appearance, then cosmetic breast surgery is the right option.

Trained and experienced plastic surgeons at our AAAASF-accredited facility - Dr. Spero Theodorou and Dr. Christopher T. Chia can provide the right solution for all your breast conditions such as: breast asymmetry, underdeveloped small breasts, developmental breast deformities, sagging or droopy breasts and nipple deformities.


Breast Surgery


Our NYC breast surgery procedures are designed to provide you with fuller breasts and a more attractive breast contour. The procedures we specialize in include:

  • Breast Augmentation with Implants: The procedure involves inserting FDA-approved breast implants such as silicone implants, saline implants, gummy bear or IDEAL implants to increase the size and fullness of the breasts. The incision may be made in the crease-line beneath the breast, at the lower edge of the areola, or in the armpit.
  • Composite breast augmentation: To enhance breast size and contour, this procedure combines breast implants with fat grafting that provides an overall softer and more natural look. Fat transfer is a natural procedure that uses the patient’s own fat for augmentation.
  • Breast Lift (Mastopexy): Women with saggy breasts can benefit from breast lift. This procedure is ideal for raising and reshaping the breasts and for correcting breast asymmetry.

3D Imaging Technologies for Breast Simulation

Our plastic surgeons use the latest technological advancements in plastic surgery such as Axis Three and VECTRA 3D platform to visually communicate and collaborate on the outcomes of breast procedures.

We are the first in NYC to offer Oculus Rift 3D imaging glasses (a Facebook company) for breast surgery consultation. This advanced Virtual Reality glasses can help candidates to check how a specific size implant can change their breast size and contour, resulting in a new and exciting consultation experience.

Support and Care Every Step of the Way

Our surgeons and friendly staff will be with you to offer full support, and ensure the best aesthetic results that you are looking for. With us, you can benefit from personalized care, minimally invasive techniques and a comfortable environment.

To schedule a breast surgery consultation, just dial 1-800-282-7285 or send an email to