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Trending Now: Smaller Breast Implants

Breasts are generally considered to represent a woman’s femininity and sexuality. That’s why many women seek to cosmetically alter breast size and shape, and make them look more attractive and balanced in relation to the rest of the body. Breast implant surgery is the conventional method of augmenting the breasts and a popular one, often used in conjunction with fat transfer procedures. Till recently, it was all about enhancement in breast size. However, a recent report indicates a new trend – a preference for only a subtle transformation with a small size increase for a more natural looking outcome. Moderation or balance/proportion seems to be what most women are looking for.

According to the report, surgeons say most of their patients are requesting a one cup size increase nowadays, so that B-cup or small C-cup size implants are becoming the preferred option. The report mentions that the change in attitude is especially noticeable in the case of celebrities who are now requesting more modest results when they undergo breast augmentation surgery, with many exchanging their larger implants for smaller ones. Trends vary based on localities.

What are the reasons behind this new preference for smaller breasts? One surgeon mentions that women are considering the long-term impact. They are taking account of the fact that implants last longer than they used to and that they may not really want to have large breasts when they get older. They want to avoid implant replacement surgery.

Despite changing trends in implant size-related preferences, the popularity of breast augmentation continues to grow. The latest statistical reports from British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) show that breast augmentation was the most popular plastic surgery procedure last year in the UK (8,610 procedures) and US (286,254 procedures).

The use of 3D imaging technology in the surgical consultation has made choosing from among FDA approved saline, silicone and gummy bear implants in various sizes much easier. Women can try on implants in various sizes and shapes and use this platform to visualize how they will look after the surgery. This allows them to work along with their surgeon and gives them the confidence to ahead with their decision.