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What You Need to Know before having Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast augmentation is growing in popularity and was the most requested cosmetic surgical procedure last years, according to data from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. The breast surgery options available are breast implants, fat grafting and a composite procedure that combines both these methods. However, women considering breast implants should educate themselves about what it involves so that they can make an informed decision. Here are some facts that women need to know before they go ahead.

  • You will need a reoperation: Breast implants do not last forever as they could develop a leak or rupture. Capsular contracture, wrinkling, asymmetry, and scarring are other issues that can occur over time. This means a second procedure would be needed to replace them. Factors such as weight loss, pregnancy, and change in preference could also make it necessary to replace the implant.
  • Be aware about the cost of the surgery: Costs can vary with geographical location, surgeon and facility. It’s important to talk with the surgeon to get an idea about what the procedure will cost so that you can be financially ready.
  • Expect to stay off work for about seven days: If you job does not involve manual work, you can get back to work in about a week after the surgery. If the implant is placed behind the muscle, healing and recovery would take longer.
  • Implants don’t feel like natural breasts: Even though silicone implants are said to feel more natural feel, they are still artificial and so feel different to the touch than real breasts. The fat grafting method which uses your won fat for augmentation, however, results in that have a natural look and feel.
  • You can’t blindly choose your implant type and incision location: After analyzing your goals, breast anatomy and other physiological considerations, your plastic surgeon will recommend the most suitable type of implant (silicone gel, saline or gummy bear) and incision.
  • You can’t simply shift from cup size A to D: You can’t choose a much higher size than you are as it would be difficult for your body to adjust to the drastic change. Women who want a big change in size are recommended increasing size through multiple procedures over the course of a few years.
  • You need to choose the right surgeon for the best results: Only a plastic surgeon with experience in performing breast augmentation surgery can ensure optimal results. Having your procedure in an AAAASF-accredited surgical practices specialized in cosmetic breast surgery is the ideal choice.

Make sure that you ask your surgeon about all the risks associated with implants. The FDA recommends that you will need to undergo periodic MRI examinations if you have silicone gel implants. This will help detect ruptures. Also, you should monitor your breasts all through your life and consult your doctor if you notice anything unusual.