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When is a Breast Lift-Implant Combo Procedure the Ideal Option?

Leading New York City plastic surgery practices offer customized breast augmentation procedures for women looking to enhance breast size and shape and resolve asymmetry. Women over forty who consider getting breast implants may also have concerns of excess tissue and skin. Sagging is usually the result of factors such as aging, breastfeeding and weight loss. […]

How the IDEAL Breast Implant Evolved

In recent years, the number of women opting to have breast implant surgery has risen quite dramatically. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) nearly 300,000 women had breast augmentation in 2014, making it the top plastic surgery procedure. Saline, silicone gel implants and more recently, gummy bear, were the available options. However, […]

Reasons to Consider Breast Enhancement Procedures

The number of women going in for cosmetic breast surgery is on the rise. Treatment can correct many aesthetic concerns and result in well-shaped, attractive breasts. There are many reasons why women opt to have breast enhancement procedures: Tuberous breasts are a common reason driving the demand for breast enlargement. This is a congenital abnormality […]

Frequently Asked Questions on the IDEAL Implant

Women looking to have breast implant surgery can choose from options such as saline, silicone gel, gummy bear, and IDEAL implants. The IDEAL implant is the latest one to be approved by the FDA.. We answer some of the most frequently asked questions about this new option to help you decide if it is the […]

Common Misconceptions about Breast Augmentation and Lift Combo

Breast augmentation and breast lift surgery are among the most popular cosmetic surgical procedures. While the augmentation procedure improves breast size and shape, the lift repositions the nipples and resolves sagging. Some women are advised a combination of these procedures to enhance the outcome. A recent article published by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons […]