Cosmetic breast surgery is one of the most popular aesthetic treatments among women across the world. Data from a healthcare private search engine reveals that this procedure has retained its leading position in the U.K. According to a report published in December, the search engine revealed that the number of searches for breast surgery rose quite significantly, and went up by as much as 80% in 2014 compared to the previous year. Here are some of the interesting trends in cosmetic surgery in the U.K.
- Even when enquiries about other procedures rose, breast surgery continued to be the most popular cosmetic surgery procedure
- Searches on nose jobs and mini facelifts rose the highest in 2014 – by 1200% from the previous year
- Queries on mini facelifts rose eleven-fold during January-December 2014
- There was a six-fold increase in enquiries for eyelifts
- Liposuction was the third most popular procedure
- The popularity of slimming treatments such as liposuction showed a 250 per cent rise from 2013
- Fat transfer bagged the fourth spot and tummy tuck ranked seventh in the list of popular procedures
The report also mentions procedures for which demand fell or remained unchanged. The demand for muscle implants fell by 69% in 2014. Searches for cheekbone reduction, bra-line back lift, post-bariatric plastic surgery and closed rhinoplasty remained static.
The rise in queries on breast procedures clearly indicates that women consider well-shaped breasts important to their appearance. Advances in technology and techniques have made cosmetic and reconstructive procedures more effective and safer. Women have many options such as saline, silicone and gummy bear implants and fat transfer. Another option combines the benefits of both implants and fat grafting. They can even have an instant breast lift for a special occasion. The use of 3D technology by plastic surgeons helps women take informed decisions as it allows them to visualize the results before the treatment.
Regardless of the procedure, consulting a qualified, experienced plastic surgeon who is totally honest about the risks involved is important if you are considering cosmetic surgery.